摩艺艺术MOYIART在艺术品买卖与收藏投资、艺术策展(各大国际性艺术展会及比赛,画廊机构、博物 馆展览等)、艺术经纪、艺术IP授权、艺术与商业品牌的跨界合作、视觉整合设计等领域,并提供全方位 及专业的艺术市场策略咨询及方案落地。多年来代理众多欧美著名艺术大家作品,推荐及带领中国艺术家 及作品走出国⻔进行艺术展览及文化交流并获得众多国际艺术奖项,一直与国内外现当代艺术家⻓期密切合作。
Based in Shanghai, Moyi Art is a professional art agency and cultural communication company. Over the past twenty years, based on classical art, Moyi has been building bridges connecting Chinese and Western contemporary art.
Moyi Art specializes in providing comprehensive and professional art market strategies, buying - , selling-, collecting- and investing in art works, art curation (major international art fairs and competitions, gallery and museum exhibitions, etc.), art brokerage, art education, art IP licensing. Moyi has also engaged in the collaboration of art and commercial brands crossover, visual integration design. Over the years, it has represented many famous European and American artists, introduced and led Chinese artists and their artworks to go abroad for art exhibitions and cultural exchanges and won many international art awards. Moyi has been working closely with Chinese and international contemporary artists on a long term base.